by Gates Otsuji
The Standard Hotel, New York City

Firestarter Cocktail Img
2 oz Leblon Cachaça
2 oz yuzukosho grapefruit sour*
1 oz San Pelligrino Limonata
4 spanked mint leaves

Add Leblon Cachaça, yuzukosho grapefruit sour, and mint to an ice-filled shaker. Shake to chill, and strain over fresh ice in a rocks glass. Top with Limonata, garnish with a fresh mint sprig. Try not drink too quickly.

*Yuzukosho Grapefruit Sour: Combine 500 ml fresh grapefruit juice, 250 ml fresh lime juice, 250 ml simple syrup (1:1), and 5g green yuzukosho in a container. Whisk thoroughly to disperse yuzukosho, Transfer immediately into capped bottles. Yuzukosho will gradually settle; agitate bottles before each use.