Category: <span>Drinks</span>

The cool thing is that recipe itself is surprisingly easy, and can be remembered by memorizing a little poem:

One of Sour, Two of Sweet. Three of Strong, Four of Weak.Translated, this means:

One part “sour,” which means freshly squeezed lime juice (do NOT use bottled lime juice — only fresh lime juice will do!);
Two parts “sweet,” which refers to a simple syrup (sugar + water);
Three parts “strong” — rum (only golden rum, NOT white rum);
Four parts “weak” — served over ice.

Get it?

Okay, to break it down into recipe form: the following would be how you’d make a gallon of Trinidadian rum punch:

Drinks Recipies Rum

Martinique produces some fine rums on more than a dozen estates scattered around the island.  Habitation Clement, an 18th Century distillery near Le Fracois, offers a tour of its facilities,…

Caribbean Drinks Rum

Drinks Rum

Drinks Rum

What lemonade is to Americans, ginger beer is to folks in the Caribbean. While many carbonated brands are available in Stateside supermarkets (choose those that list ginger as the first…

Drinks Recipies

Drinks Rum

Drinks Rum

Drinks Rum

I stumbled across “10 Best Summer Cocktails You’ve Never Heard Of” on…it expanded my shopping list threehundredfold.  Worth checking out.
